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Cheektowaga Soccer Club

Approved on June 18, 2024

Article I - Organization and Purpose

  1. Name.
    The group shall be known as the Cheektowaga Soccer Club (herein referred to as CSC), a New York State not-for-profit organization.

  2. Purpose.
    The purposes of CSC are:

    1. To teach, promote and advance amateur soccer in Cheektowaga for youth up to the age of 19.

    2. To foster good sportsmanship and to promote fun while participating in soccer by applying the motto, “Play and grow through soccer”.

    3. In order to achieve these purposes, CSC shall proscribe rules and standards for competition, coordinate and administer local competition and matches and provide administrative, coaching and training services for amateur soccer athletes.

  3. Affiliation.
    CSC shall be a member of the Buffalo and Western New York Junior Soccer League (BWNYJSL), an affiliate of the New York State West Youth Soccer Association in conjunction with US Youth Soccer and the US Soccer Federation (USSF), and other organizations as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors. In consequence of that affiliation, CSC members, players, coaches, and personnel shall adhere to rules, regulations, and bylaws of those associations to the extent applicable to their activities connected with CSC, as follows:

    1. Membership: The membership of the CSC shall be open to any soccer players, coaches, managers, administrators, and officials not subject to suspension under Part II, Subpart D of Bylaw 241 of the USSF Bylaws.

    2. Governing Documents: The USSF articles of incorporation, bylaws, policies and requirements take precedence over and supersede the governing documents and decisions of the CSC to the extent applicable under state law, and the CSC will abide by those articles, bylaws, policies and requirements.

    3. Hearing and Appeal Procedures: The CSC will provide equitable and prompt hearing and appeal procedures to guarantee the rights of individuals to participate and compete. These procedures shall include that all grievances involving the right to participate and compete in activities sponsored by the USSF, and NYSWYSA, and the CSC may be appealed to the USSF’s Appeals Committee in accordance with NYSWYSA bylaws and policies. The Federation’s Appeals Committee shall have Jurisdiction to approve, modify or reverse a decision. A decision rendered by the CSC or the NYSWYSA from which an appeal is taken is not suspended pending the final decision of the Federation’s Appeals Committee unless the Committee otherwise ordered. The decision made by the CSC or the NYSWYSA may be upheld, revised, or reversed and remanded.

Article II - Membership and Meetings

  1. Nondiscrimination Policy.
    This Club shall not discriminate against any individual or group of individuals on the basis of race, color, age, sex, gender, religion, national origin or sexual orientation.

  2. Membership.
    A voting member is defined as a parent or guardian of a player currently playing for a CSC team, either in the House or Travel Program. A coach or manager is also a member, if not already by nature of being a parent or guardian of a player.

  3. Termination of Membership.
    The membership of any member shall be terminated or upon the member’s expulsion by the Board. On termination of membership, any right, title, or interest of the member in or to the property and assets of the association shall cease, including refunds of any fees.

  4. Suspension and Expulsion of Members.

    1. Grounds for Suspension or Expulsion: Any member may be suspended or expelled from the CSC for willful infractions of the CSC Bylaws or Policies and Procedures, or for acts of conduct that the Board may deem disorderly, injurious, or hostile to the interests or objectives of the CSC. The Board must give notice to such offending member of the proceedings against him or her and he or she is provided an opportunity to be heard in their own defense. No person who has been expelled from the Club may have a new membership considered for a period of less than one (1) year. Reinstatement must go before the Executive Board.

    2. Initiation of Suspension or Expulsion: Proceedings under this section shall be initiated by resolution of the Board. On adoption of the resolution or receipt of the complaint, as the case may be, the Board shall schedule the matter to be heard at the first regular, or a special, meeting of the Board. The secretary shall deliver to the accused member, at least five (5) days prior to the date of the hearing, a copy of the time and place of hearing.

    3. Hearing: The President or Vice President shall preside at such hearing and shall read the charges against the accused member. Such member shall be allowed to make a statement on his or her own behalf, question opposing witnesses, and call witnesses on his or her own behalf.

    4. Determination of Hearing: The Board may, by the affirmative vote of a majority of its members, request the offending member to resign or expel or may suspend the member for a period of time deemed appropriate by a majority of the Board. Proceedings: All such proceedings shall be in compliance with the requirements of US Youth Soccer, the USSF and the NYSWYSA.

  5. Meetings.

    1. Annual Meeting: The Annual Meeting of the CSC for the election of the members of the Board and the transaction of the general business of the Club shall be held during the month of December, at a time and place to be determined by the Executive Board. Notice of the Annual Meeting, including starting time, location and agenda shall be communicated to the membership no less than seven (7) days in advance thereof.

    2. Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called at any time by the President or on written request of a majority of the Board. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President or Secretary may call the meeting. Seven (7) days’ notice of any special meeting must be given to the members of the CSC. The notice must state the starting time, location and agenda of the meeting. No other business but that specified in the notice may be transacted at such special meeting without the unanimous consent of all present at such meeting, provided that those present constitute a quorum.

    3. Quorum: The presence of at least 10% of the voting members shall constitute a quorum at meetings of the CSC or if no members are present, a majority of board members. Each member is entitled to one vote and may vote by proxy thru a pre-approved method decided upon prior to any vote.

Article III – Club Officers and Duties

  1. Designation of Club Officers.
    The Officers of the Club shall be the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Program Director.

  1. President.
    The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Club, shall preside at all meetings and create all committees, shall appoint chairpersons to any committees within the Club, shall oversee the daily operation and running of the Club. The President may co-sign approved checks with the Treasurer. If deemed appropriate, the President may form temporary Ad Hoc Committees for the benefit of the Club.

  2. Vice President.
    The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence, and shall also work with the President in overseeing the daily operation and running of the club; including but not limited to additional tournaments or play, league participation, and public relations. He/she shall perform such other duties as are usual to the office or as requested by the President.

  3. Secretary.
    The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings, keep records of those present, and supervise correspondence. He/She shall be responsible for past minutes and submit copies of the minutes of all Board meetings to Board members within seven (7) days following the meetings conclusion. Board minutes will be available to members of the Club, after being accepted by the Board at the beginning of each monthly meeting. All minutes and changes must be dated and housed permanently via the Club website. The Secretary shall maintain a copy of current Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, and any other miscellaneous CSC documents.

  4. Treasurer.
    The Treasurer shall collect any dues and registration fees, shall be responsible for the deposits of all monies of the Club in a bank account authorized by the Executive Board, shall keep detailed accounts of the income and expenditures of the Club, shall submit monthly reports at each regular meeting, and shall pay all bills approved by the Club. The Treasurer shall be surety bonded unless this requirement is waived by the Club, and shall also be responsible for insurance coverage.

  5. Program Director.
    The Program Director shall organize any recreational and travel programs run by the Club, including the placement of players on teams and the assignment of coaches and referees. He/she will also work with the President in the coordination of Travel assignments through the current partnership with Buffalo Rush and shall attend BWNYJSL meetings and report the proceedings to the Club at the next board meeting.

Article IV - Executive Board

  1. The Executive Board as Governing Body.
    An Executive Board shall govern the organization. The Board shall have the power to adopt such policies and authorize such actions as it shall determine to be appropriate for the furtherance of the stated purposes of the association.

  2. Composition and Term of Service.
    The Executive Board shall consist of all Club officers and additional positions listed below.The term of all Board members shall be for a duration of two years, with the term commencing on January 1 and ending on December 31.

    1. The remaining Executive Board members shall consist of all the Club officers in addition to the Registrar, Equipment Manager, Head of Officiating, Webmaster, and two Member(s) at Large.

      1. Registrar: The Registrar is responsible for adding all players for house and travel programs to the correct rostering system, when necessary. All player registrations shall be completed by the player’s first practice, but no later than the player’s first game. He/she shall also oversee retention communication efforts as it relates to house program registrations.

      2. Equipment Manager: The Equipment Manager shall work with all stakeholders to take inventory of equipment and supplies before each new session and restocking said inventory, as needed. He/she shall also be in charge of ordering apparel for each House session, in addition to other club items requested from the Board.  

      3. Webmaster: The Webmaster shall be in charge of the continual update of the Club’s website and web presence. He/she shall work with the President and Program Director to keep the Club’s website up-to-date and relevant to our club members.

      4. Head of Officiating: The Head of Officiating shall be in charge of the recruitment, training, retention, and implementation of our referees for House sessions. He/she should also strive to encourage and mentor these individuals to pursue officiating by accreditation through the Western New York State Referees Association, Inc. each Spring for the travel season(s).

      5. Member(s) at Large: Member(s) at Large shall have full voting rights and be responsible for tasks as deemed appropriate by the Officers of the Club. This can include, but not limited to, providing support in the goals of the club, offering insight into daily operations, and assisting in our House and Travel sessions. The numbers in the title are only indicative of when the positions term ends and must be elected.


Even Year

Odd Year




Vice President









Program Director






Equipment Manager






Head of Officiating



Member at Large 1



Member at Large 2




  1. Election to the Board.
    The President or Vice President shall supervise the election of the Board during their non-election year, which shall be held at the Annual December Meeting. Should neither position be available to serve in this role, for whatever reason, an individual may be designated by the President to serve in the role as Chief Election Official. 

    1. All votes are to be cast on an official ballot prepared by the Chief Election Official. A plurality of votes cast will be required to elect. A Call for nominations will be communicated to all club members prior to the Annual December Meeting. All nominations must receive verbal or written confirmation from the nominees themselves to appear on the ballot. A paper ballot will be available for the annual meeting to cast votes for those present. Voting shall be decided by both quorum and a simple plurality of those present.

      1. Vacancies in any office shall be filled to finish the remaining term length of the departed by nomination and majority vote of the Board at the meeting following the vacancy.

      2. Any candidates nominated for President MUST have prior officer/board experience OR have attended a majority of board meetings within the previous six (6) months leading up to the nomination and election. Should no candidate for President meet these criteria, the election will proceed with any and all remaining nominated candidates.

  2. Insignia, Colors, Badges and Flags
    The Board may adopt insignia, uniform styles, colors and emblems, and flags for the CSC, as it deems suitable.

  3. Meetings of the Executive Board.

    1. Regular Meetings: Regular meetings of the Board shall be held monthly, when possible, on a day deemed most suitable by the Executive Board - at a time and place designated by the Board. The President or Vice President shall set the agenda for all regular meetings.

    2. Special Meetings: The President or a majority of the Executive Board may call a special meeting of the Board at any time. No other business but that specified in the notice may be transacted at such special meeting without the unanimous consent of all present at such meeting, provided that those present constitute a quorum.

    3. Notice of Meetings of the Board: The Secretary, or the person or persons calling the meeting, shall notify all Board members of the date, time, place and agenda for all regular and special meetings at least seven (7) days in advance of the meeting.

    4. Quorum: A simple majority of the Board members present or by proxy shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at all meetings of the Board.

    5. Attendance: Any member of the Board who is absent from three (3) consecutive meetings without justifiable excuse may be removed from the Executive Board and any office held by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board.

Article V – Amendments

  1. These Bylaws may be amended by the Executive Board by a two-thirds vote of the entire Board. Any proposed amendments must be read to the Board at two consecutive regular meetings and reported out to membership of the Club within thirty (30) days of adopted changes. The Club’s current Bylaws should always be readily available and housed on the Club website.

  2. The Bylaws shall be reviewed on a regular basis at least every 2 years.

  3. The Board shall adopt and approve all changes to the CSC Policies and Procedures. Any changes to the Policies and Procedures must be reported and approved at any regular meeting and will be deemed effective immediately upon approval by the Board.

  4. The Bylaws of New York State West Youth Soccer Association shall be referenced if the Bylaws of the Club do not address a specific topic.

Article VI - Dissolution

This Club may be dissolved by the vote of a simple majority of its members. In the event of dissolution, the property owned by organization shall be distributed by transfer to other such non-profit or not-for-profit organizations as the Executive Board shall determine by resolution.